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Labeling and Advertising, Regulation on Terms and Conditions, E-Commerce, Door-to-Door Sales, and Installment Transactions


The Fair Trade Team is comprised of lawyers with expertise in fair trade cases, led by lawyers from the Fair Trade Commission (“FTC”) with extensive practical experience, and regularly advises on labeling and advertising, terms and conditions regulations, e-commerce, door-to-door sales and installment transactions that occur in the course of business activities. Our team also closely monitors and responds to every phase of FTC reviews, from initial investigation to final deliberation.

Moreover, our firm offers a comprehensive and organic one-stop service in relation to administrative litigation on FTC dispositions, response to prosecutors’ investigations and criminal lawsuits, and civil lawsuits such as damages claims on fair trade, by working closely with lawyers who previously served as prosecutors or served in the judiciary.

In addition, we report unfair terms and conditions, and conduct dispute mediation work at the Korea Fair Trade Mediation Agency/Subcontract Dispute Mediation Council, etc.

Major Business

- Advice on consumer-related issues such as labeling and advertising, regulation of terms and conditions, e-commerce, door-to-door sales, and installment transactions
- Reporting of unfair terms and conditions and dispute mediation at the Korea Fair Trade Mediation Agency/Subcontract Dispute Mediation Council, etc.
- Response to on-site inspections, attendance in testimonial inspections, response to other investigations such as the request for the submission of materials by FTC
- Development of defense strategies through the analysis of FTC review reports, submission of statements, and defense at full committee meetings and subcommittee meetings
- Relevant administrative litigation (application to seek revocation of the imposition of penalties and corrective orders, and suspension of enforcement, etc.)
- Relevant prosecutors’ investigations and criminal lawsuits
- Relevant civil lawsuits (claims for damages, etc.)
- Fair trade risk analysis on general corporate legal affairs, through the operation of a compliance program
- Employee training

Major Performance

- Responded to FTC investigation on the emission labeling and advertising by a German automobile manufacturer (Company V)
- Responded to FTC investigation regarding human safety labeling and advertising by a humidifier sterilizer manufacturer (Company A)
- Responded to FTC investigation regarding a thermos manufacturer’s country of origin labeling (Company P)
- Responded to FTC investigation/handled an administrative lawsuit regarding unfair advertising practices of a consultancy (Company T)
- Administrative lawsuit related to unfair advertising practices related to 5G service speeds by mobile carriers
- Criminal lawsuit related to violation of the Act on Fair Labeling and Advertising by a food manufacturer (Company P)
- Reported to FTC regarding violation of the Fair Transactions in Franchise Business Act by a ginseng manufacturer (Company K)
- Advised H International on the violations of the Act on Door-to-door Sales, etc.

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