Mr. Sungtae Yang is a senior legal counsel at ClassHankyul. After 42 years of long-standing life as a justice including the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Mr. Sungtae Yang has been scouted by ClassHankyul as a senior legal counsel, and based on his diverse and abundant legal knowledge and experience, he is assisting in the efficient performance and overall control of ClassHankyul’s works.
When serving as a justice, Mr. Yang held important positions not only in the area of traditional trial works covering civil and criminal matters but also in relatively unexplored fields such as bankruptcy, patent trials, and judicial administrative affairs, and made a lot of contributions to the establishment of the systems. Based on his experience and competency, Mr. Yang was appointed as a Justice of the Supreme Court, and after the expiration of his term of office, he was appointed again as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
While serving as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, under the banner of “open courts that communicate with the people,” Mr. Yang made efforts for reform of the judicial branch to enhance the people’s trust toward the judicial branch by strengthening communication with the people, reorganizing the personnel system for the lifetime service as a justice, strengthening the fact-finding process, and improving the operation of the trial system. In addition, he established the Seoul Bankruptcy Court, a court specialized in bankruptcy, to lay the foundation for modernizing the bankruptcy system.
- 1970 Passed the 12th Korean Bar Examination
- 1972 Judicial Research and Training Institute (2nd Class)
- 1973 ~ 1975 Judge Advocate, ROK Army
- 1975 ~ 1980 Judge, Seoul Civil District Court/Seoul Criminal District Court
- 1980 ~ 1982 Judge, Daegu District Court
- 1982 ~ 1983 Overseas Research and Training
- 1983 ~ 1986 Litigation Deliberation Officer, National Court Administration
- 1986 ~ 1989 Presiding Judge, Jeju District Court
- 1989 ~ 1991 Professor, Judicial Research and Training Institute
- 1991 ~ 1993 Head of Litigation Division, National Court Administration
- 1993 ~ 1993 Presiding Judge, Seoul Civil District Court
- 1993 ~ 1994 Presiding Judge, Busan High Court
- 1994 ~ 1997 Head of Judicial Policy Research Office, National Court Administration
- 1997 ~ 1999 Presiding Judge, Seoul High Court
- 1999 ~ 2001 Chief Presiding Judge (Chief Presiding Judge of Civil Cases/Bankruptcy Cases), Seoul District Court
- 2001 ~ 2002 Chief Judge, Northern Branch, Seoul District Court
- 2002 ~ 2003 Chief Judge, Busan District Court
- 2003 ~ 2003 Vice Minister, National Court Administration
- 2003 ~ 2005 Head of Patent Court
- 2005 ~ 2011 Justice of the Supreme Court
- 2011 ~ 2017 Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (15th)
- Present Senior Legal Counsel, ClassHankyul
- 1966 Busan Kyungnam High School
- 1970 Seoul National University, College of Law (LL.B.)
- 1982 ~ 1983 Research and Training, London University, King's College
Sungtae Yang
Senior Legal Counsel
T. +82-2-555-5007
F. +82-2-555-5008