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New Technology Industry Support / Energy


In recent years, the fourth industrial revolution, which is characterized by the rapid global spread of new technologies including artificial intelligence (AI), 5G, the Internet of Things (IoT), big data, and cloud computing, is creating far-reaching ripple effects on a variety of business sectors such as Mobility, Health Care, and FinTech. Although regulations are intricate and subject to frequent change, the pace of legislation and changes occasionally lags behind the speed of advancement in services and technology, impeding the growth of new technologies and new industries.

ClassHankyul not only has extensive experience responding to disputes, including investigations and litigation, on behalf of large corporations and startups that are challenging new technology and new industry-based businesses, but also actively engages in legislative support and legal consulting work suited to new technology and new industries, and also provides reasonable authoritative interpretation of various laws and advisory services related to the enactment and revision of laws for government ministries and administrative agencies. 

In particular, ClassHankyul has been selected as a comprehensive legal consulting service provide for the Industrial Convergence Regulatory Sandbox for four years running, from 2021 to 2024, and has expertise reviewing applications from businesses, providing legal consulting, supporting the legal revision task force, and drafting and proposing legal amendments. ClassHankyul was also chosen as a specialized organization in 2024 to support the operation of the newly introduced regulatory sandbox system for the circular economy, and provides profound legal review services related to laws under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Environment to companies that are applying for the system. 

Accordingly, ClassHankyul, as a leading law firm in the fields of new technology, new industry, and regulatory response, provides advanced legal services through the New Technology Industry Support Team that has gathered relevant capabilities, and addresses the various legal issues that may arise in the process of technology and innovation growing a business to assist customers expand and develop stably. ClassHankyul will provide accurate and prompt advice regardless of the sector to enable our customers to achieve their goals and be ahead of the competition. 

In addition, ClassHankyul provides clients with comprehensive and specialized legal services in various new and renewable energy fields such as hydrogen, fuel cells, ESS (Energy Storage System), waste recycling and circular resources recognition, solar energy, wind power, hydroelectric power, marine energy, bio, and climate change response based on our far-reaching experiences and in-depth knowledge across the entire energy industry. ClassHankyul provides customized solutions throughout the entire project process, including licenses/permits procedures, technology investment and business contracts, investment structure design, regulatory compliance, utilization of government subsidies and the like, and supports sustainable growth of clients through rapid response to changes in related laws and policies.

Major Business

Industrial Technology Security

- Response to disputes related to leakage/infringement of industrial technology/trade secrets, represented criminal complaint related to infringement of industrial technology/trade secrets, defended during investigation/trial stages, etc.

Regulatory Sandbox

- Comprehensive legal advice and consulting for businesses applying for regulatory sandboxes, legal advice related to the operation of the regulatory sandbox system, monitoring of legislative revision status, assistance and related advice for the legislative revision task force, etc.

Legislative Support/Consulting

- Assistance in drafting legislative bills, participation in the legislative process to provide opinions on the direction of law revision, assistance and consulting on the overall process of law enactment and revision, collection of foreign legislative examples and cases, etc.

Deregulation/Response Consulting 

- Participation in the development of legislative strategy of customers, assistance in relief measures where rights and interests are restricted by legislation, etc.

Personal information industry support and protection

- Legal advice on the Personal Information Protection Act and the Information and Communications Network Act, response to disputes, response to administrative sanctions regarding violation of the Personal Information Protection Act, legal advice on the safe use of personal information, etc.

Response to National Assembly state audits, investigations, hearings, supervisory agency investigations, Board of Audit and Inspection audits, etc. 

- Adoption of witnesses for state audits, questioning of witnesses, advice on response to perjury, advice on response to corrective actions listed in the state audit results report, advice on auditing the regulatory departments and regulatory sandbox departments of the Board of Audit and Inspection, etc.

Supporting Energy Industry and Responding to Climate Change

- Advising and consulting on licenses/permits procedures for new and renewable energy projects, support for technology investment and business contracts, investment structure design and financial consulting, waste recycling and circular resource recognition procedures, regulatory compliance and risk management, support for climate change response and ESG strategy establishment, etc.

Major Performance

Regulatory sandbox related services

- Selected as an agency to perform comprehensive legal consulting services for the 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 Industrial Convergence Regulatory Sandbox
- Selected as an agency to perform post-management monitoring services for the 2023 Industrial Convergence Regulatory Sandbox
- Selected as a specialized agency to support the operation of the 2024 Circular Economy Regulatory Sandbox system
- Consulting on regulatory sandboxes for startups in the eco-friendly and energy sectors led by public corporations


- Legal advice on entering and executing health care-related businesses (digital X-ray business, etc.) (S Telecom company)
- Drafting policy proposals and legal review reports related to the revision of the Software Promotion Act (company L, an affiliate of a large corporation)
- Advice on the registration of ultra-light aircraft (drone) use business (Office of Legal Affairs, Regulatory Reform, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport)
- Drafting a written opinion on partial revision of standards for improving packaging materials and structures (Ministry of Environment Notification No. 2019-71) (Corporation P)
- Review of regulations related to aircraft takeoff and landing permissions on foreign vessels (Government department P)
- Advice on whether the collecting of personal information from vehicles violating driving restriction violates the Personal Information Protection Act (government department) 
- Legal advice on cryptocurrency ICOs, etc. (Company O)
- Advice on the entity responsible for reporting obligations under the Specific Financial Transaction Reporting Act as an electronic financial service provider related to electronic wallet charging services (Company K)


 - Conducted and won patent infringement lawsuit regarding hair growth agent between Pharmaceutical D and US Company M
 - Conducted and won lawsuit regarding including patent invalidation, etc. regarding contrast agent between Pharmaceutical T and Norwegian Company A
- Conducted and won patent infringement lawsuit regarding mobile phone video compression com standard technology developed by L Electronics
- Conducted and won patent infringement lawsuit regarding barcode input device of S Electronics
- Conducted and won patent infringement lawsuit regarding mobile phone Korean language input device (Cheonjiin patent)
- Litigation over mobile phone number transfer of S Telecom company

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